College Distinctiveness
Dimension 1: About seventy five percent of the total students enrolled are female. A large number of female enrollments is a distinctive feature of college. The Minister of Women and Child Welfare, Uttarakhand Mrs. Rekha Arya hales from Someshwar, which is a matter of pride and inspiration not only for female students of college but also entire population of Someshwar. Someshwar is also known as ‘bowl of rice’ due to its fertile agricultural land in which huge quantity of rice is produced. Due to which girls also have to fulfill the responsibility of agricultural as well as all sort of household activities. The college is committed to work in the direction of women empowerment. There is a saying, “if a man is educated an individual is educated, if a women is educated a family is educated”. If females stand on their own feet they will be able to lead a self-empowered life and play a significant role in empowering their family as well as society. To provide opportunities for holistic development of girls a number of initiatives have been introduced by the college. Women are provided a large range of activities to empower them in all the aspects of life. To help girls realize their potential and opportunities available to them a range of activities are conducted by the college.
‘Mahila Utpidan Niwaran Prokosht’ of college has been working in the direction of creating awareness among women about their rights. Numerous programs have been conducted in online as well as offline mode, which include lectures by Police Personal on various issues related to women and acts related to Protection of women like Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005, Dowry Prohibition Act 1961, and One-Stop Center Sakhi Yojana. For example, one such program was organized in the Chairmanship of Principal Dr. Y. K. Sharma in which Mr. Pankaj Bhatt, S.S.P. Almora presented a lecture on Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Women Harassment. The female students were provided women helpline number 1091 and WhatsApp Helpline No. 9411112780 so that they could seek immediate help if required. Information regarding 354A, 354B, 354C, 354D Acts of Indian Penal Code was also provided to girls. In another awareness program girls were introduced about ‘Gaura Shakti App’ and it has been installed in the mobile of every girl in college.
During Covid period when all the schools and colleges were closed, the college took an initiative to know the problems of girls and guide them accordingly. It was decided that on the last Saturday of every month a female faculty member would interact with the girls of the college through the online platform of Google Meet. As girls also have to work as a helping hand with their parents in the agricultural work and other household chores, so that girls are not driven away from their studies the above-mentioned guidance program was conducted. In one of the programs, an online interactive session was organised by Dr. Bhawana on the topic ‘Gender Inequality’ in which problems faced by girls due to gender discrimination were discussed and remedial measures were suggested to the students.
By the motivation of Mahila Utpeedan Niwarn Prakoshth, some girls of the college are playing an active social role by teaching children of rural areas around their locality free of cost. As the parents are educationally backward, they are unable to guide their children at home and children have to travel a long distance to reach the market area for taking tuition classes. So, the role played by the girls of the college becomes more significant in this case. It is a matter of Pride that a female faculty Dr. Bhawna (Dept. of Hindi) has been awarded with following prestigious awards:
- “भारतेंदु हरिश्चन्द्र राष्ट्र भाषा हिंदी गौरव सम्मान 2022”
- “गीना देवी राष्ट्र गौरव सम्मान”
Dimension 2: Hukum Singh Bora Government Post Graduate College, Someshwar is using water supply from natural resources thus the college is not dependent on water supply by municipality / Jal Sanathan. Average use of water in college is about 500 L per day.
It is a matter of pride for us that college is not only using the water from natural resources but also providing excess water to other institutions. For this, the college has built one water tank with the capacity of 10000 L, to facilitate other institutions.