H.S.B. Govt. PG College, Someshwar Library

Welcome to College Library: The Library was set up in 2018 to support the teaching-learning process in the College, and since then the library has been consistently making efforts to develop a strong collection of learning resources and to provide access to knowledge through its services. The library is broadly divided into two parts, Reading Section and Circulation Section. Both sections combined have a good number of printed documents, including textbooks, reference books. The circulation section consists of books of all the UG/PG courses covered by the different classes of the college and one can issue a designated number of books from this section.
In order to support the teaching in the college, the library is working on to subscribe both print and electronic based journals.
The library has made significant developments in terms of integrating ICT in library services; the library is using e-Granthalay 4.0. (Integrated Library Management Software) for its housekeeping and other activities.
The College library remain Open from Monday – Saturday (10-AM to 05-PM) Excluding Publick holidays.
Click the Link above and select the “HSB Govt PG College Library” to see collection.
General Rules
- Library is open to bonafide Students of the college only.
- Membership is automatically conferred to all the faculty members, research scholars or a student on his / her joining the College and remains valid for his/ her full tenure.
- All faculty members, non-teaching staff, and students shall complete the Library Membership Form and submit the same to the Librarian duly recommended/signed by HOD.
- The Member should produce his/her ID card for borrowing library documents.
- Borrowing rights of members are not transferable.
- Entry in Library premises is allowed only after verifying the Identity Card.
- A member must enter his / her name and time of entry and put his / her signatures legibly in the register kept at the entrance for the purpose as a token of his acceptance to abide by the library rules.
Following articles that may cause undue inconvenience to other members are strictly prohibited inside the premises of the library:
- Private books and printed matters other than belonging to library,
- Mobile phones, computer stationery, compact discs,
- Umbrella, briefcases, boxes and such other articles.
- These may be kept outside in the property counter by members at their own risk.
- Library shall not be responsible for any loss or damages of the personal belongings of the user.
- All users must maintain a peaceful environment of study within and around the library.
- Talking, eating, smoking, using a mobile phone or sleeping is strictly prohibited.
- The Librarian reverse the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving with the library staff or with any other member.
No Dues Certificate
Clearance: “No Dues Certificate / Clearance Certificate” should be obtained from the library while leaving the College. Result or degree or dues cannot be released to members unless all borrowings are returned.
Rules for the use of Library Materials
- Reading materials may be used within Library premises or borrowed for external use.
- Magazines, Journals, Newspapers, Reference Materials and rare books will be issued only for reading within the library.
- Borrowers are requested for safe & careful use of Library documents and must ensure that the library documents borrowed by them are maintained in sound condition. The borrower will be held responsible for any damage of the document(s) and he / she may have to replace the same or pay the damage as per rules of the library.
- In the case of loss / damage of a Library book, it has to be replaced by the latest edition of the same or double cost of the entire volume must be paid. In the case of loss of a single part of a multi-volume publication, entire set will be recovered /replaced from the borrower.
- No user shall write, or make any mark upon, fold or damage any document of the library if found doing so necessary action shall be taken as per rule.
- The borrowed documents must be returned by the member on or before the due date or earlier if demanded by the library.
- It is the sole right of the library to issue or not issue or not re-issue any book. No document shall be returned on the day of issue.
- Any violation of these Library Rules shall lead to forfeiture of the membership of the concerned member. Appropriate disciplinary action may also be imposed.
- These rules are subject to revision/updation from time to time without assigning any reason.
- Digital Libraries
The patrons have access to vast number of digital contents from several digital libraries across the globe. Some of the digital libraries are given below:
1.1. World Digital Library (WDL): WDL is Launched by UNESCO and 32 partner institutions in 2009. WDL Makes available free of cost multilingual digital material from different countries and cultures around the world. Has 19,147 items from 193 countries. Includes maps, rare books, sound recordings, photographs etc. To Access WDL please click World Digital Library
1.2. National Digital Library of India (NDLI): National Digital Library of India is hosted by IIT Kharagpur, its project under Ministry of Human Resource Development. NDLI integrates all existing Digitized/digital content of the nation and provides one single window access with e-learning facility. It provides free/open access to learning resources and has User Group from primary to higher education, includes • Study at home, Books in Science, Humanities, Mgt, Engineering, law, literature. • School /CBSE Board Books and learning content • Covid-19 Research Repository • Featured Collections: Talks / Webinars Ancient Indian Art You can access the national digital library here NDLI.
1.3. National Science Digital Library: National Science Digital Library (NSDL) aims to provide comprehensive S&T Information to students of science, engineering and technology in the country. It’s a project of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). NSDL provides curriculum-based content to address the information needs of the undergraduate students of science and Technology. The content creation and development for NSDL has gone through rigorous procedures to make available quality content for the students. Authored by eminent teachers and validated by renowned faculty in Indian universities and colleges. To access National Science Digital Library please click NSDL.
2. E-Books: Patrons have access to several e-books in different subjects on various platforms, some of which are mentioned below.
2.1. Project Gutenberg: Online library of free e-books: Is Online library of open access e-books. Founded by Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg in 1971 its mission is to encourage creation & distribution of e-books. Patrons can easily access, and no special Apps are required to read the e-Books. Searches can be made by Author, Title, Subject, Language, Type, and even popularity. You have options to explore frequently downloaded top 100 books, or recently added new e-books. This library has Offline catalogue: A handy e-book listing. To explore free e-books please click Project Gutenberg
2.2. Hathi Trust: E-books: Hathi Trust is a Partnership of Academic and Research institutions, it offers collection of millions of titles of books in different subjects digitized from libraries around the world. To explore interesting e-books please click Hathi Trust.
2.3. Google books: The Google Books Library Project offers many Free Books available on public domain. It aims at scanning and making searchable the collection of several major research libraries, along with bibliographic, snippets of text from a book are often viewable. Books out of copyright and in the public domain is fully available to read or download. To Access books from Google please click Google books.
3. References Sources
3.1. Directories
3.1.1. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ): DOAJ is a directory of open access journals, launched in 2003. It is an independent nonprofit organization managed by Infrastructure Services for Open Access (Community interest company) based in UK. DOAJ database contains over 15,000 peer reviewed Open Access Journals covering all areas of Science, Technology, Medicines, Social science arts and humanities. To access DOAJ journal please click here DOAJ.
3.1.2. Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB): DOAB is a directory of Open Access Books; it is non-profit legal entity under Dutch law established by OAPEN Foundation and Open Edition in 2012 in close cooperation with DOAJ. The Foundation is based at the National Library in the Hague. It is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers. All DOAB services and data is freely available. To access please click DOAB.
3.2. Thesaurus and Dictionaries
3.2.1. Merriam Online Dictionary and Thesaurus: Online Merriam Dictionary and Merriam Thesaurus, is Thesaurus/Dictionary by Merriam –Webster, it searches more than 2,75,000 related words, synonyms/ antonyms, gives Meanings and Sample sentences on how words are used etc. To access this dictionary and thesaurus please click Merriam Online.
3.2.2. Your Dictionary: Your Dictionary brings 16 authoritative sources of definitions and meanings including Webster’s New World College Dictionary and The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language and The American Heritage Dictionary of English language. Your Dictionary Thesarus can also help you to find right word for a letter or essay or synonyms from trusted sources like Webster’s New World Roget A to Z Thesaurus. To explore please click YourDicionary.
1. Students click here for Membership.
2. Staff Click here for Membership.
3. Click to Download and Print the Membership form.
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