Department of English: The Department of English was established by the college in the year 2010. Department has been teaching English language skills via the study of English language and literature. In 2021, the department was upgraded to the post-graduate level. Ever since its inception the department has been, diligently working towards excellence in both curricular and co-curricular activities. Through literature one can travel across time and learn about life on Earth from people who lived before us. One can have a greater understanding of and respect for various cultures by learning more about them. In order to help the students, develop into responsible global citizens, the department is committed to nurturing an inclusive culture and promoting awareness of and responsibility for a rich multi-ethnic, multi-cultural environment. Students become proficient in both writing and oral communication during their studies. The Department seeks to develop the literary capabilities of students and improve skills of second language learners. The English department offers its students a vibrant and active atmosphere for their recreational and academic pursuits. The department acts as a window and offers a glimpse into cultures and societies around the world.


  • To convey understanding of literary theory, literary history, literary forms, a wide range of texts, and the vocabulary and approaches used to analyse them.
  • Give students advanced writing and critical thinking abilities that they can use both in the classroom and in the real world.
  • Encourage students to understand and value the English language.
  • To help students build knowledge of the content and methods of literary studies.


  • To provide students opportunity, to get familiar with the development, growth, and significant tendencies of English, through a detailed examination of texts of different eras.
  • Offer prospects to explore the world of literary studies through English literature.
  • The department has taken upon itself the mission of working resourcefully to impart the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing to students.
  • To help undergraduate and graduate students achieve academic distinction while enhancing the skills and abilities needed in the workplace.
  • Department’s mission is to equip students with the necessary communication skills to meet their professional needs in today’s more globalised environment.
  • Incorporate multidisciplinary studies.
Department Teaching Faculties
Mr. Neeraj Singh Pangtey
Ms. Himadri Arya
Dr. Shaily 
Assistant ProfessorAssistant ProfessorAssistant Professor
NET – JRF (English)NET (English)Ph.D.  (English)
Mail: nsinghpangtey@gmail.comMail: himadriarya2797@gmail.comMail:
Mobile: 9720602979Mobile: 9410137270Mobile: 8954504861
Department Teaching Faculties
Mr. Neeraj Singh Pangtey
Ms. Himadri Arya
Ms. Shaheen Qamar
Assistant ProfessorAssistant Professor
(Contractual 2020 Batch)
Assistant Professor
(Contractual 2020 Batch)
NET – JRF (English)NET (English)NET (English)
Mail: nsinghpangtey@gmail.comMail:
Mobile: 9720602979Mobile: 9410137270Mobile: 8006007370
Department Teaching Faculties
Mr. Neeraj Singh Pangtey
Ms. Himadri Arya
Ms. Shaheen Qamar
Assistant ProfessorAssistant Professor
(Contractual 2020 Batch)
Assistant Professor
(Contractual 2020 Batch)
NET – JRF (English)NET (English)NET (English)
Mail: nsinghpangtey@gmail.comMail:
Mobile: 9720602979Mobile: 9410137270Mobile: 8006007370

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